Il giorno in cui tornammo ai campi


Il Giorno in cui Tornammo ai Campi (The Day We Returned to the Fields) is an installation tour that takes the form of a multimedia landscape. Here, the tools used for the technical analysis of the territory go beyond their conventional applications to become a sensitive exploration of the disused industrial areas bordering the Fondovalle del Sinni in Basilicata. As visitors progress along the exhibition route, cartography, photogrammetry and technical paper photography guide their gradual immersion in the microscopic details, creating a sensory representation of these places. The video installation Zone Morte (Dead Zones) offers a virtual journey into the database of the Basilicata Geoportal, which, through algorithmic manipulation, reveals the map of industrial vacancies. Real-time data, including wind speed, temperature, humidity, air pressure, rainfall, air quality, sound and movement, are collected by "Resìdua", a self-constructed device that employs electronic components salvaged from these areas to monitor their ecological transformation. The resulting data sculpture forms a living organism that responds to visitors' interactions.

"Today those places, a visual friction of the landscape, stand on both sides of the Sinni Valley State Road 653, shaping its horizon, diverting the gaze of the passer-by driving along it. From Lauria to Policoloro, passing through the villages of Latronico, Episcopia, Fardella, Chiaromonte and Francavilla, and then on to Senise, Colobraro, Noepoli, Valsinni and Tursi, the disused industrial areas embody the identity of these communities, a shared fragment of a collective conscience that unites us under a common yesterday"

Zone Morte/1
Zone Morte/2
Zone Morte/3
Zone Morte/3

"... far from being static, they are the scene of a dynamic biological evolution, of a play of internal and external exchanges with the surrounding environment that takes place undisturbed by the absence of man"

Gilles Clément © Exchanges with the surrounding environment “natural” influences

Resìdua/A Long Term Brownfield Monitoring System Oriented to Real Time Data Sculpting

Dataset UI

"In their appearance suspended in time, these places await the day when someone notices them and pays them a visit, with the solemnity of one who enters a sacred place, without disturbing, on tiptoe..."


"...and without asking permission, because at the moment of their abandonment, anyone has lost dominion over them.

Now they belong to something else: to rust, to nature, to sound, to silence."


Brownfield recording
Fotographic exhibition/3
40.1800902512621, 16.44286858523331
40.12498018223166, 16.28861011887533
40.20788782743648, 16.586208414997866
40.207430557208575, 16.586237057343904